
Showing posts from August, 2016

The red rush

I miss the feeling Miss the rush The red that clouds the black Choking me letting me breathe The nick The snap The first sizzle Calming overwhelming  Veins turning into rivers A bloody calm river Settling through the cloud of fog Geysers dry Start new geysers Ebb and Flow Pain to pleasure Writing on the wall Dripping in blood Passing out drunk from pain High off a release Dreading the low that follows Flames lit,skin singes Flames dance higher Rising dancing smoke Overtaking all thoughts

Ocean Spray

Ocean Spray Emerald shards crash with shapphire shards Melding into white diamonds Push pull High low Forward back Natures game -tug of war Diamonds glitter on the surface Colorful bobbing seashell colored triangles Swirling salt in the sky Crystals mixing wit the diamonds  Crashing against golden rocks The pressure building,crushing releasing Colors fading into the next Unwritten lines in the sand  Smoldering wood mixes with salt Ocean Spray

The soul of the being I'm missing that I didn't know I needed

The soul of the being I'm missing that I didn't know I needed The electric magnetic power of calm and contentment  The one that blankets my mind Collapsing the walls I spent years building up Faceless feelings  Emotions pulling on strings I didn't know existed Creating a web of emotions so intricate I have no idea how I got here  And I don't know the way out I have no idea who opened the many locks The locks I long threw away the keys for  No names for the thoughts racing through my mind, Empty as thoughts erase my mind Erase all emotions I know by name  Who are you,what are you doing to me I just want to sit back to back Hands intertwined anything not to feel- Not to feel alone against the world Its wrong that I want you Whoever you are  The vulnerable feeling opening the red and black gates Opening a gate to a path covered in fog I have no idea where that path is taking me  But I want to go on that path with you  The